Conference venue: hotel Osijek, Šamačka ul. 4, 31000, Osijek, Croatia
12 October 2016
Technical Lecture (Room A – Lipa)
12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
Srećko Janjić (IBM). IBM Bluemix
The Digital Innovation Platform for Smart Solutions Development
Smart Modelling (Room A – Lipa)
1:00 PM – 2:20 PM
Chairs: Vasilija Šarac, Vanja Mandrić Radivojević
Vasilija Šarac and Biljana Citkuševa-Dimitorvska.
Genetic Algorithms in Torque Optimisation of Permanently Split Capacitor Motor (ID31)
Filip Belić, Željko Hocenski and Dražen Slišković.
Thermal Modeling of Buildings with RC Method and Parameter Estimation (ID41)
Nataša Nešić, Nebojša Dončov and Slavko Rupčić.
Analysis of Hexagonal and Square TLM Air-vent Models against Incident Plane Wave Direction (ID51)
Dejan Jovanović, Nenad Cvetković, Nebojša Raičević and Željko Hederić.
Comparative Analysis of Plate and Grid Ground Electrode Characteristics as a Part of Grounding System (ID53)
Smart Energy I (Room B – Kesten)
1:00 PM – 2:20 PM
Chairs: Denis Pelin, Zvonimir Klaić
Goran Kišan, Silvi Kolarić, Marin Šagovac and Zoran Baus.
Using Intelligent Control Systems for Dynamic Management of Smart Grid Network (ID11)
Mladen Antolić, Dean Vučinić, Srete Nikolovski and Zoran Baus.
Smart Grid Architecture Based on Active Demand Approach (ID14)
Jurica Perko, Danijel Topić and Damir Šljivac.
Exploitation of Public Lighting Infrastructural Possibilities (ID27)
Rajmund Drenyovszki, Lóránt Kovács, István Pintér, András Oláh and Kálmán Tornai.
On the Convexity of Chernoff Bound in the Context of Consumption Admission Control in Smart Grids (32)
Coffee Break
2:20 PM – 2:50 PM
Wireless Communications (Room A – Lipa)
2:50 PM – 4:10 PM
Chairs: Mario Vranješ, Josip Milanović
Josip Milanović, Gordan Šimac and Krešimir Mazor.
Performance Analysis of Empirical Propagation Model for Long Term Evaluation (LTE) Network (ID16)
Jelena Vlaović, Snježana Rimac-Drlje and Goran Horvat.
Overview of OFDM Channel Estimation Techniques for DVB-T2 Systems (ID52)
Yakubu Tsado, Kelum Gamage, David Lund and Bamidele Adebisi. Performance Analysis of Variable Smart Grid Traffic over ad hoc Wireless Mesh Networks (ID63)
Smart Energy II (Room B – Kesten)
2:50 PM – 4:10 PM
Chairs: Branka Nakomčić-Smaragdakis, Damir Šljivac
Denis Pelin and Milan Opačak.
Smart-fast Emulation of the Photovoltaic Systems (ID38)
Adrien Genić, Petar Gartner, Danilo Medjo and Mladen Dinić.
Multi-layer Hardware-in-the-Loop Testbed for Microgrids (ID44)
Mario Primorac, Damir Šljivac, Zvonimir Klaić, Krešimir Fekete and Branka Nakomčić-Smaragdakis.
Microgrid Energy Management System in a Public Building (ID60)
Mazin Muhssin, Liana Cipcigan, Nick Jenkins, Meng Cheng and Zeyad Obaid.
Modelling of a Population of Heat Pumps as a Source of Load in the Great Britain Power System (ID25)
Smart Information Systems (Room A – Lipa)
4:20 PM – 5:40 PM
Chairs: Alfonzo Baumgartner, Janoš Šimon
Almir Djedović, Emir Žunić, Dino Alić, Samir Omanović and Almir Karabegović.
Optimization of the Business Processes via Automatic Integration with the Document Management System (ID09)
Zlatko Čović and Janos Šimon.
Usage of QR Codes in Promotion on Social Networks (ID29)
Franko Hržić, Domagoj Poljančić, Tihana Galinac Grbac.
Secure Operations as Congestion Control Mechanism Within OpenStack Based Cloud Laboratory (ID54)
Krešimir Rakić.
The Proposal of the Intelligent System for Generating a Objective Test Questions in Controlled Natural Language for Domain Knowledge Based on Ontology (ID60)
Smart Power Systems and Electrical Drives (Room B – Kesten)
4:20 PM – 5:40 PM
Chairs: Igor Fürstner, Goran Knežević
Srete Nikolovski, Goran Knežević and Dragan Mlakić.
Smart Protection Device Coordination of Electrical Motor Drive Facility Connected on Distribution Network (ID07)
Emir Alibašić, Branko Planojević and Srete Nikolovski.
A New Measurement Method for Testing a 400 kV Circuit Breaker (ID10)
Nenad Gubeljak, Viktor Lovrenčić, Matej Kovač, Bojan Banić and Srete Nikolovski.
Preventing Transmission Line Damage Caused by Ice with Smart On-line Conductor Monitoring (ID15)
Igor Fuerstner, László Gogolák, Alex Milkovic, Edina Kovacs and Adam Balint.
Brushless DC Motors as Parts of Smart Factories (ID21)
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM City Tour (starts from the hotel Osijek)
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Welcome Reception (Regional Winery, Fakultetska 4, Tvrđa, Osijek)
13 October 2016
Computational Intelligence in Smart Systems (Room A – Lipa)
8:20 AM – 9:20 AM
Chairs: Robert Cupec, Marinko Barukčić
Dražen Bajer, Bruno Zorić, Goran Martinović
Effectiveness of Differential Evolution in Training Radial Basis Function Networks for Classification (ID55)
Marinko Barukčić, Marko Vukobratović and Tin Benšić
Evolutionary Optimization Approach for Performing Interval Power Flow Considering Uncertainties in Electric Power Systems (ID35)
Bruno Zorić, Dražen Bajer, Goran Martinović
Employing Different Optimisation Approaches for SMOTE Parameter Tuning (ID56)
Image and Video Processing I (Room A – Lipa)
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Chairs: Željko Hocenski, Emmanuel Karlo Nyarko
Tomislav Keser, Gabrijela Kramar and Damir Nožica.
Traffic Signs Shape Recognition Based on Contour Descriptor Analysis (ID28)
Tomislav Matić, Ivan Vidović, Emil Silađi and Filip Tkalec.
Semi-automatic Prototype System for Bacterial Colony Counting (ID37)
Ziliang Qiao and Dieter Kraus.
The Effect of Crabbing on Spatial Sampling for Stripmap SAS Imaging (ID46)
Communication Networks (Room B – Kesten)
9:30 AM- 10:30 AM
Chairs: Ignac Lovrek, Krešimir Grgić
Edin Mujčić, Aljo Mujčić and Sandra Pajazetović.
Internet-Based Teleoperation Using Wave Variables and Correction of Position Error (ID24)
Oleksandr V. Lemeshko and Oleksandra S. Yeremenko.
Dynamics Analysis of Multipath QoS-Routing Tensor Model with Support of Different Flows Classes (ID40)
Igor Godanj, Krešimir Nenadić and Krešimir Romić.
Simple Example of Software Defined Network (ID49)
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Coffee Break
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Opening Ceremony
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Keynote Lecture 1 (Room A – Lipa)
Dieter Kraus.
Parametric and Nonparametric Regression Methods with Applications in Signal Processing and Machine Learning
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM Keynote Lecture 2 (Room A – Lipa)
Gregor Papa, Urko Zurutuza and Roberto Uribeetxeberria.
Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance (ID67)
Internet of Things (Room A – Lipa)
2:30 PM – 3:50 PM
Chairs: Mario Žagar, Josip Job
Dražen Lučić, Mario Weber and Ignac Lovrek.
Electronic Communications as Smart City Enablers (ID39)
Krešimir Grgić, Ivan Špeh and Ivan Heđi.
A Web-based IoT Solution for Monitoring Data using MQTT Protocol (ID58)
Krešimir Mišura and Mario Žagar.
Data Marketplace for Internet of Things (ID59)
Srđan Popić, Dražen Pezer, Bojan Mrazovac and Nikola Teslić.
Performance evaluation of using Protocol Buffers in the Internet of Things communication (ID22)
Smart Transportation and Industrial Systems (Room B – Kesten)
2:30 PM – 3:50 PM
Chairs: Lejla Banjanović-Mehmedović, Željko Hederić
Domagoj Tolić and Ivana Palunko.
Intermittent Information in Networked Control Systems (ID08)
Imad Elzein and Yury N. Petrenko.
Integration of A Predictive Control Model and MPPT for PV Station (ID42)
Josip Balen, Krešimir Vidović and Dinko Jakovljević.
Integration of Traffic and Travel Data Exchange in Command and Control Platform (ID48)
Lejla Banjanović-Mehmedović, Ivana Butigan, Mehmed Kantardžic and Suad Kasapović.
Prediction of Cooperative Platooning Maneuvers using NARX Neural Network (ID62)
4:10 PM – 10:00 PM Excursion, Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony (Restaurant Winery Josić, Planina 194, Zmajevac, the bus starts from the hotel Osijek at 4:10 PM)
14 October 2016
Image and Video Processing II (Room A – Lipa)
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Chairs: Irena Galić, Ratko Grbić
Adnan Ramakić and Kristijan Lenac
Short-term People Re-identification Using Image Classification (ID61)
Željko Hocenski, Tomislav Matić and Ivan Vidović
Technology Transfer of Computer Vision Defect Detection to Ceramic Tiles Industry (ID65)
Filip Novoselnik, Ratko Grbić and Dražen Slišković
Image based Meteor Detection and Path Estimation (ID26)
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Coffee Break
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Keynote Lecture 3 (Room A – Lipa)
Francesco Grimaccia
Computational Intelligence for Smart Cities: RES Integration and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles for a New Paradigm to address Proper Energy Policies and Sustainable Transport
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM Closing Ceremony (Room A – Lipa)
12:00 PM Coffee and Light Lunch