Doc. dr. sc. Emmanuel Karlo Nyarko
Emmanuel Karlo Nyarko diplomirao je 2001. godine na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Osijeku, gdje je 2005. magistrirao te 2013. doktorirao. Od 2001. do 2005. godine je zaposlen kao asistent na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Osijeku gdje je sudjelovao u izvođenju laboratorijskih i auditornih vježbi iz grupe predmeta Automatsko upravljanje Arhitektura računala te Umjetna inteligencija. Od 2005. do 2007. je zaposlen kao razvojni inženjer u tvrtki Mono d.o.o za projektiranje i dizajniranje web i smart client aplikacija. Od 2008. do 2015. je zaposlen na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Osijeku kao asistent na Zavodu za Industrijska Postrojenja i Automatiku. Trenutno radi na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Osijeku kao docent na Zavodu za računalno inženjerstvo i automatiku, Katedri za automatiku i robotiku. Sudjeluje u izvođenju laboratorijskih, auditornih vježbi i predavanja iz predmeta: Uvod u robotiku i inteligentno upravljanje, Osnove robotike, Robotski vid, Osnove automatskog upravljanja te Meko računarstvo. Uže područje interesa i istraživanja: upravljanje robotskim sustavima, primjenom računalnog vida, meko računarstvo te umjetna inteligencija.
Napredna 3D percepcija za mobilne robotske manipulatore
Mobile Robot Localization in Indoor Environments Using 3D Camera
Fast Segmentation of Range Images to Approximately Convex Surfaces
A. Izvorni znanstveni i pregledni radovi u časopisima
- Cupec, Robert; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Filko, Damir; Kitanov, Andrej; Petrović, Ivan.
Place recognition based on matching of planar surfaces and line segments.
International Journal of Robotics Research. 34 (2015) , 4-5; 674-704.
- Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Cupec, Robert; Filko, Damir.
A Comparison of Several Heuristic Algorithms for Solving High Dimensional Optimization Problems.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems. 5 (2014) , 1; 1-8.
- Grbić, Ratko; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Scitovski, Rudolf.
A modification of the DIRECT method for Lipschitz global optimization for a symmetric function.
Journal of global optimization. 57 (2013), 4; 1193-1212.
- Cupec, Robert; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Slišković, Dražen.
Efficient postprocessing of edge maps for image segmentation based on greedy correction cost minimization.
Journal of electronic imaging. 21 (2012) , 2; 023007-1-023007-13.
- Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Morić, Dragan.
A neural network based modelling and sensitivity analysis of Damage Ratio coefficient.
Expert systems with applications. 38 (2011) , 10; 13405-13413.
- Cupec, Robert; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Grbić, Ratko.
Detection of Dominant Planar Surfaces in Disparity Images Based on Random Sampling.
Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku. 18 (2011) , 3; 301-308.
- Cupec, Robert; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Kitanov, Andreja; Petrovic, Ivan.
RANSAC-Based Stereo Image Registration with Geometrically Constrained Hypothesis Generation.
Automatika: Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications. 50 (2009) , 3-4; 195-204.
- Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Scitovski, Rudolf.
Solving the Parameter Identification Problem of Mathematical Models Using Genetic Algorithms.
Applied Mathematics and Computation. 153 (2004) ; 651-658.
B. Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova s međunar.rec.
- Cupec, Robert; Filko, Damir; Vidović, Ivan; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Hocenski, Željko.
Point Cloud Segmentation to Approximately Convex Surfaces for Fruit Recognition.
Proceedings of The Croatian Computer Vision Workshop, CCVW 2014, Zagreb : University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, 2014. 56-61.
- Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana; Morić, Dragan; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Draganić, Hrvoje.
Direction Based Elastic Period Expressions of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Dominant Structures using Genetic ALgorithms.
Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. Istanbul : EAEE, 2014. 1205-1216.
- Cupec, Robert; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Filko, Damir; Kitanov, Andrej; Petrović, Ivan.
Global Localization Based on 3D Planar Surface Segments.
Proceedings of The Croatian Computer Vision Workshop (CCVW 2013), Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, 2013. 31-36.
- Cupec, Robert; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Filko, Damir; Petrović, Ivan.
Fast Pose Tracking Based on Ranked 3D Planar Patch Correspondences.
10th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO2012). Dubrovnik, 2012. 108-113.
- Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Morić, Dragan.
EDABS: Software for Earthquake Damage Analysis of Building Structures.
ISRERM'2012 International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management. Yokohama, 2012.
- Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Morić, Dragan; Draganić, Hrvoje.
New Direction Based (Fundamental) Periods of RC Frames Using Genetic Algorithms.
15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering. Lisbon, 2012.
- Cupec, Robert; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Filko, Damir.
Fast 2.5D Mesh Segmentation to Approximately Convex Surfaces.
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Mobile Robots. Örebro, Švedska, 2011. 127-132.
- Grbić, Ratko; Slišković, Dražen; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo.
Application of PLS and LS-SVM in Difficult-to- Measure Process Variable Estimation.
Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2010). Subotica : Obuda University, 2010. 313-318.
- Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Cupec, Robert; Dželalija, Aleksandar.
Detection of Dominant Planar Surfaces in Indoor Environments Using Stereo Vision and Image Segmentation.
28th International Conference SCIENCE IN PRACTICE Conference Proceedings (SIP 2010). Subotica, Serbia : Subotica Tech - College of Applied Sciences, 2010. 107-116.
- Cupec, Robert; Grbić, Ratko; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Sabo, Kristijan; Scitkovski, Rudolf.
Detection of Planar Surfaces Based on RANSAC and LAD Plane Fitting.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Mobile Robots. 2009. 37-42.
- Cupec, Robert; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Kitanov, Andreja; Petrović, Ivan.
Geometrically Constrained RANSAC for Stereo Image Registration in Presence of High Ambiguity in Feature Correspondence.
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Mobile Robots. 2009. 179-185.
- Slišković, Dražen; Grbić, Ratko; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo.
Data Preprocessing in Data Based Process Modeling.
Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing. Turkey : IFAC, International Federation for Automatic Control, 2009.
- Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Morić, Dragan.
Sensitivity Analysis of SDOF Structure Parameters on Damage Ratio Coefficient.
14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Beijing, 2008.
- Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Perić, Nedjeljko; Petrović, Ivan.
Experimental Investigations of a Direct Adaptive Neurofuzzy Controller.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications. Omnipress, 2005. 1051-1056.
- Rimac-Drlje, Snježana; Keller, Alen; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo.
Self-Learning System For Surface Failure Detection.
Proceedings of EURASIP 13th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2005. Antalya : Bogazici university Printhouse, 2005.
- Slišković, Dražen; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Perić, Nedjeljko.
Estimation of Difficult-to-Measure Process Variables Using Neural Networks - A comparison of simple MLP and RBF neural network properties.
Proceedings of 12th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2004. Zagreb, 2004. 387-390.
- Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Jović, Franjo.
A Comparison of Solutions to the Herding Problem (A Class of Pursuit Evasion Problem).
Computers in Technical Systems and Intelligent. Rijeka : MIPRO-HU, 2003. 27-31.
- Hocenski, Željko; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo.
Surface quality control of ceramic tiles using neural networks approach.
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2002. L Aquila : University of L Aquila, 2002. 1731-1734.
C. Ostali radovi
- Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo.
Ravninski segmenti kao značajke za lokalizaciju mobilnih robota u unutarnjim 3D prostorima.(Disertacija). Osijek: Elektrotehnički fakultet, 15. 05. 2013., 189 str. Voditelj: Cupec, Robert.
- Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo.
Neuronsko upravljanje složenim nelinearnim sustavima. (Magistarski rad). Osijek: Elektrotehnički fakultet, 24. 02. 2005., 97 str. Voditelj: Perić, Nedjeljko.
- Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo.
Učenje dinamičkih neuronskih mreža genetičkim algoritmom. (Diplomski rad). Osijek: Elektrotehnički fakultet, 16.02. 2001, 82 str. Voditelj: Perić, Nedjeljko.