Vol 2, No 1

Enhanced MO-PSO Preview Control for Non- Linear System Nidhika Birla, Akhilesh Swarup |
1-9 | |
Performance Analysis of Digital Video Watermarking using Discrete Cosine Transform Ashish M Kothari, Ved Vyas Dwivedi |
11-15 | |
The Influence of Atmospheric Overvoltages on High-Voltage SF6 Substations Vedran Vukasović, Zoran Baus, Marinko Barukčić |
17-24 | |
Risk from Nuclear Power Utilization after Fukushima Accident Zdenko Šimić, Vladimir Mikuličić, Igor Vuković |
25-35 | |
Influence of Renewable Energy Sources on Distribution Network Availability Ana Mikulec, Vladimir Mikuličić |
37-48 |